Dec 9, 2009


“As we train, we forecast that in the near future we will gift countries and communities in the region leaders who will do a positive work with young people. This is not only a dream, it is becoming a reality” U. Eki

Ola Fou began with a drop in 2006 with the cry to professionalize youth work in the Pacific.

It is now almost four years and the ripples of that drop have reached not only the different Agencies of the Youth Workers, who have journeyed with us over the years, but more drops have birthed out of it and more and more ripples are developing throughout the Pacific regions. This year PNG have joined in the journey.

Our goal is to equip youth workers on the ground with tools to develop and empower them as they work with young people in the communities they live in.

The structure of the course is designed to encourage that and reassure their agencies that they return back to the ground and put the learning into practice and make it part of their lifestyle.

The church has been identified by the different governments as the biggest stakeholder of youth development and yet the presence and the impact is not related.

The Journey Indeed Continues, 13 Diploma students from 4 countries started the first ever Diploma Course for the Ola Fou Training and each country has their own reflection on the jouney. Read through them as you visit this blog.

click here 


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