Nov 25, 2009


The Ola Fou course is for a person who:

  • Is already working with young people in a voluntary or paid position.
  • Is able to travel in order to build their knowledge and skills for working with young people.
  • Is recommended and supported by a recognised organisation or church that can provide supervision and approved practical project work during the course.
  • Is over 18 (and the upper age will depend on the definition of youth age in each country).
  • Has basic English language and literacy skills (the course is taught in English).
  • Can supply either a police check or an appropriate character reference from government, village or church officials

Nov 22, 2009


Samoas approach to Youth Work was a need that needed to be addressed since the discussions happened in 2005.

Ola Fou is an approach also that addresses the need to Professionalize Youth Work in the Pacific. Five church based youth workers have graduated with a Certificate, four continuing on to Diploma Level and 10 were introduced into the family in April this year.

We hope to see more changes happening on the ground and Ola Fou not to be treated as just another training.


Solomon has been identified as one of the largest crisis country in the Pacific. As we journey with them we also recognise the responsibility that we have in affecting change in different levels in their society. First in homes, villages, settlements, and eventually the country.


PNG is a new country added to Ola Fou this year.

In our visit to the Government Department, they stated that we could not treat PNG the same as the other Island countries as their issues are unique and very different from others.

Ola Fou is very confident that we can contribute positively to Youth Development in the nation. So we have five (5) youth leaders journeying with us.